Monday, January 7, 2008

Plan B

I had visions of what today would be like... the kids back off to school, a day to get my house and life back in order, just Quinn and I enjoying a QUIET and pretty day.

Not so much.

I had packed snacks, signed agendas, and the kids were all ready to go to school in full Buckeye gear (of course!), and we were off to the bus stop... until some nice lady rolled down her window as she drove by and said "There's no school today."

What? No school? The forecast is 72 and sunny - obviously not a snow day. Water main break? Gas leak? Why is there no school, I wonder to myself. I pop online to check it out. Well, wouldn't you know it. Today is a teacher workday. How I missed that, I have no idea. So we went with plan B. We got the bikes out of the garage, grabbed the jog stroller, and went to the park.

There's always tomorrow to get life back in order, right?

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