Monday, January 14, 2008

the latest

So... what's been going on with us. Riley had a "cookie rally" Friday night to kick-off girl scout cookie selling season. Since she's a daisy, they don't sell yet, but she had fun at the party anyway. Conor had baseball camp Saturday and Sunday at the high school. He came home the first day without his jacket and the second day without his glove. He gets that honestly. I can't count the number of times my mom said to me "You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your body." So true. I'm surprised I've never lost a kid (kow).

Quinn is his usual funny self - he's finally starting to talk more, which is unfortunate for Riley because most of the time he is calling for her to come play with him. Thankfully she's a good big sister and a good sport.

Nesta, the world's most annoying dog, has become a frequent runaway. He bolts when I let him out and doesn't come home for hours. Very frustrating. So we opted to go the wireless fence route and installed it this weekend. It's heaven on earth. Who knew one little device could bring me so much stress-relief (since he always did when I was home during the day and I was the one who always had to walk or drive around to find him on his excursions).

Josh and I are celebrating our 9th anniversary on Wednesday. We're meeting for lunch that afternoon (with Quinn), but I figure if you only have one out of three of your children with you, it counts as a date, right!?! We're already looking to next year - we're planning on a week-long vacation. My requirements are that it must be tropical and beachy. At one point Josh suggested Vancouver. I was like "Canada???? In January?". I'm sure it's beautiful but NO WAY. So now we're looking at Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Mexico. Much more my speed.

Nothing else new to report... though the funniest quote of the week came from Conor this morning who asked what I packed him for his school snack. When I told him applesauce (which he usually likes), he begged for a banana. Why, you ask? Well this is what he said "Everytime I open the applesauce container at my desk, some comes flying out and I have to clean it up and then it smells like throw-up for the rest of the day." Why it smells like throw-up I don't know, but I felt for the kid so I gave him a banana instead.

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