Wednesday, January 16, 2008

9 years ago...

Today is our anniversary. We've been planning a big getaway for #10 so we were more than happy to just meet for lunch today (Quinn in tow). We went to a restaurant, Sunflower, that we used to go to way-back-when... I think the last time we were there, Conor was an infant. Anyways, we figured with just Quinn, it would almost feel like a date... almost. I even wore a skirt for the occasion.

Unfortunately, Quinn decided to skip 21 mos, 22 mos, 23 mos and went right on ahead to being 2 today. Seriously, I don't know what happened. He wouldn't sit in the high chair - his body was so straight and rigid, it was physically impossible for me to bend his legs to get him in. Then he threw more of the food than he ate, was only interested in opening sugar packets and pouring the sugar out, and it didn't stop there... when we got home, he moved the kitchen chair over near his high chair and climbed up onto it so that he was literally sitting on the tray. Seriously, where did my baby go and who replaced him with this toddler?

The other exciting event going on in our lives is watching these southerners freak out because it is supposed to dip below freezing tonight and (gasp!) there is a chance of rain -which apparently causes a major catastrophe in Atlanta. When I talked to my neighbor today, she was in a hurry to get to the store to buy milk in case of snow. We lived here for over four years and not once did it snow. At least not real snow. Flakes maybe, but you had to rub your eyes really hard and look to see them. Know what I mean? Josh has gotten two work emails telling them to take home their laptops in case of winter weather so they can work from home. Seriously people, it's going to be nearly 50 tomorrow afternoon - what kind of weather event could this be? Good old Flip Spiceland, our meteriologist (I couldn't make that name up now, could I?) is having a hay-day with this "arctic blast" as they like to call it. So funny. It's a downright balmy winter day for a Clevelander.


Unknown said...

WOW!! This thing is so cool!! It is great to get to keep in touch, I feel like we are there. Our 15th is in September. We are going to Chicago in August to celebrate. I have never been there and of course the Cubs will be playing. Sounds like you guys are great and loving Atlanta. We have the same snow issues here in NW Arkansas. It got cold last night and people were in a panic driving this morning. I can't tell you how many accidents there were because people insist on slamming on their brakes when they get to each bridge. Who knew?????

Unknown said...

Oh---I show as Tim for some reason, but this is Cortney and so was the one before from Tim