Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A day in the life of Quinn

6:30am wake up... mommy comes running, picks me up from crib with hugs and kisses
8am... brother and sister leave for school; I pick out my own outfit - my favorite - Buckeyes jersey or as I call it "football shirt"
8:15am... carpet cleaner arrives; i put on my fireman hat and yell "hi" to him whenever i can peek and catch a glimpse
10am... playgroup day - we meet friends at Eagle Watch park - for two hours I enjoy the BEAUTIFUL fall day with my mom and my buddies
12pm... home for lunch with mom
1pm... almost forgot we have to bring snack to school tomorrow... quick trip to Kroger.... mom is a sucker because when we walk by the bakery and I yell "donut!", she buys one for me... I sit in the green car (my color choice for the day) cart and happily eat my donut while she picks up a few things
1:30pm... home again - time for a nap
currently 3:44... still napping

Truly if I could bottle Quinn up and keep him this age - this sweet, funny, great company, MOSTLY happy little guy - I would do it in a heartbeat. Every day with him is a gift.

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