Thursday, July 17, 2008

When Daddy's Away...

Josh is in North Carolina this week, which leaves the kids and I to our own devices. This means:

*pancakes for dinner (last night - and they were delicious if I do say so myself)

*early to bed - for my sanity

*Quinn walked around today with a cheesy picture of Josh and I from a Japanese restaurant in Hilton Head, kissing daddy because he misses him

*early baths - goes along with early to bed... yesterday afternoon I took the kids to the playground during the witching hour (right before dinner), where they promptly got dirty, sweaty, disgustingly sandy, and required a bath as soon as we hit the door to the house

*we watch things on tv that Josh would certainly not be interested in watching - last night, the kids and I sat on the couch in our jammies and watched a "Jon and Kate plus 8" marathon on TLC

And now for your viewing pleasure, here are a couple little gems. One is of Quinn imitating Conor's guitar hero but with his very own Wiggles guitar, jamming to a Wiggles tune, one is of Josh and Conor golfing, and one is of my little beauty Riley just being her.

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