Thursday, July 17, 2008

To believe or not to believe...

It was bound to happen. Conor is fast approaching 8 and Riley is a worldly 6. I knew that eventually one or both of them would question the validity of Santa. Here's how it went down:

(over a GOURMET dinner of hot dogs and velveeta shells and cheese) - remember Josh is out of town

Conor: MOM, Riley says she doesn't believe in Santa.
Me: You don't?
Riley: No
Me: Why not?
Riley: I just think you and dad get up in the middle of the night and give us presents.
Conor: What!?! (and he was seriously shocked and horrified) That would cost like $2000. You're even lucky you got presents if you don't believe in Santa.

The conversation suddenly changed to something else, I think Conor moved on to "Yeah, we're luck we even got to be born" so I decided to let it drop... but I have a feeling there will be some bribery for Riley this year so that she can keep quiet and not let on to BOTH her brothers that there really is no Santa.

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