Sunday, July 6, 2008

Notes from the Nut House

Where do I begin?...

Today, while on a walk, I said to Conor "Since you have golf camp from 9-12 tomorrow, I'll bring your swimsuit with me when I pick you up and we'll go straight to the pool. Do you think you'll be too tired for that?" To which he replied, "Nope, I'm cool with that." Who is he? Ashton Kutcher (and is Ashton Kutcher even cool anymore, I have no idea!?!).

Then yesterday, it was quiet - too quiet. The big kids were downstairs in the playroom, and Quinn had been watching the Wiggles in the family room with me. I looked over, he was gone. I yelled "Quinn" and heard a very quick slamming door coming from upstairs. I found him in the bathroom, coated and glistening with shampoo - his hands, face, head and hair. Lovely.

Finally, my Riley. Our pool had a 4th of July party this weekend. While we were there, a woman walked up to Josh, who was talking to Riley at the time, and said "Is this the infamous Riley?"... apparently her two 5-year old twin daughters, who Riley plays/swims with occasionally at the pool, idolize her and play make believe, where they take turns (sometimes not so nicely) being her. Who knew - she's like Hannah Montana for kindergarteners.

And please expect more stories shortly, because today I went to Walmart and came home with a new potty, a huge pack of matchbox cars, and skittles. That's serious code for potty training time in the Bowen house. And I have one very willful 2 year old to contend with. Lord help me.

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