Friday, May 9, 2008

Muffins for Mom

Today Conor's class hosted "muffins for mom" in their classroom complete with breakfast, orange juice, presents, and songs. My favorite part was each child put together a "book" with pictures and poems and other cute things. Here are some excerpts:

Top 10 Reasons Why I Love My Mom:
8. I love my Mom when she makes me laugh by singing. (hey!)
3. I know my Mom is smart because she is older. (at least he didn't also add in "than dirt")

And here is part of his "My Mom is Special" page...

My Mom can do many things. I think she's best at making dinner (seriously people, we are all in trouble if this is the case - and when I mentioned that I was surprised at that, he said "well except when you burn my toast - see, told you). My mom is as pretty as a butterfly (big brownie points there). My mom is smart. She even knows times. (as in multiplication - I guess that's my invitation to mensa).

And my favorite was the "If I could give you any present, I'd give you..." to which he completed: lots of hugs and kisses everyday before school, because you are the best mom in the world because you are lovable, funny, and pretty, because you are out of this world mom. I will help you with Quinn on mother's day so you can take a break because I love you!!!!! from your son Conor.

I already got my gift. :)

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