Sunday, September 14, 2008

Introducing - The X Monkeys

Today, I heard a lot of noise coming from Riley's room. Loud noise is not uncommon in this house, so unless somone is screaming in pain or crying, I tune it out for the most part... until Riley yelled downstairs "Mom, come up. We have a surprise for you." So I went up.

I was then introduced to the X-Monkeys, which is apparently a new band consisting of - you guessed it - Conor (on drums - really overturned books on the floor and some snazzy Aerosmith drumsticks) and Riley (lead vocals). They currently have two songs, neither of which is long but both are creative and cute.

But my favorite part was that after my private concert, Conor looked at me and said "We've decided on a money jar"... I wasn't sure what he meant by that but he proceeded to explain that this way they wouldn't actually CHARGE for performances, but when we have company at holidays, etc. they would just leave their money jar out. Grandparents beware!

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