Monday, December 22, 2008

Remember me?

I know it's been a while. We've had quite a week... three holiday class party (that I volunteered to plan - what was I thinking!?!), a brownies holiday party, playgroup holiday party, brownies retirement home caroling (yes, separate from the holiday party)... shopping, wrapping, getting ready for out of town visitors over the weekend... it's been a whirlwind of pre-Christmas exhaustion.

But now it's Monday. The kids are home on break and we have no company for now... and while I have cookies to bake for Josh's office party, a smidge of wrapping left to complete, and a run to the grocery store on the agenda for today, it feels eerily un-busy compared to what we've been juggling.

Wishing everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

(And, as promised, some pics from Riley's gymnastics holiday performance!)...

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