Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Two year olds...

Anyone with a two-year old will tell you that taking a shower is problematic. The two year old is too old to sit in a swing, bouncy seat, etc. and too young to keep himself occupied while coloring or playing a game. Generally, Quinn will amuse himself by playing with cars or another toy, but not today. Today, he came running into the bathroom yelling what I thought was "school bus" but turned out to be toothbrush. I got his toothbrush for him and went off to dry my hair. I kid you not, only two minutes later I went to find him, thinking he would still be happily brushing his teeth. Instead, he had gotten into his bath toys, found a boat, and was sailing it around... in the toilet. Disgusting. I pick him up, he's soaking wet - yuck, from toilet water - and walk him into his room, past Riley's room, where I see he has taken every sticker off her "No no boys allowed in my room" sign (can you tell she is the only girl - the extra "no" on her sign must be for emphasis). So that will be fun to deal with when she gets home and sees her artwork has been destroyed.

The thing is, it may get somewhat easier as they get older, but that poses its own challenges. For example, the other night Conor asked "How much would I cost if you sold me?"... my little Alex P Keaton. So we tried to explain that not only would we NOT sell him, but that we could NOT sell him because that would be ILLEGAL! He was persistent though... "But if it WASN'T illegal and you COULD sell me, how much would I cost? More than a car?" Hmmm... depends on the day.

And then there is Riley.... sweet, funny Riley. It's actually her that concerns me the most. Not because she is bad... just the opposite. She's easy and independent and loves school... but she has her own devilish side. The one where she sneaks her new webkin to school in her backpack AFTER I told her not to, the one where she told her entire class she got a new kitten for Christmas - no cats here!, the one where she knows just how to make Conor mad and then get him in trouble for acting on it. The boys have nothing on her. My sweet, funny Riley is also the sneaky, smart one too.

Maybe I should just be glad Quinn is only two. :)

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