Kristen, this is a random (well sort of random) act of kindness in response to your blog... my gift to the world today is a smile at my expense. So here you go.
Josh was the "mystery" reader in Conor's class today, so he was at the school and came home earlier than he normally would. Quinn was napping, so in honor of the BEAUTIFUL day, I decided to take Nesta for a nice walk. I was armed with a poop bag and a leash, and off we went. Well, of course, about oh 1 minute into our walk, the poop bag was full. Oh well, happily I continue to stroll along, talking to my mom on my cell phone as I walk, poop bag bouncing all around in my hand. Until things started to get stinky... like abnormally stinky for a closed and tied bag of dog poop. I continue to chat with my mom and look down. Oh my.
Of course, in my pantry STOCKED with stupid plastic bags that I don't throw away, I picked the one with a hole in it... and my half-hour of walking with this plastic bag filled with dog poop with a hole in it has bounced back and forth onto my pant legs for the entire time. I was covered in dog poop and about a mile from my house. The horror. The fear - please don't let someone I know walk by enjoying this beautiful fall day and want to stop to chat.
So I walked in record time, back home, to Josh who I thought just might pee his pants when I showed him my jeans and told him the story.
Later at dinner, I said something, and he looked at me and said "okay poopy pants." The kids think it's awfully funny. For me it was just awful. So instead of hiding in my shame, I'm coming out with it. Can't get much kinder than this - I know you're laughing, whoever you are. :)