Saturday, June 28, 2008

Home sweet home

Reason 751 why I love my husband: after a 9-hour drive with my mom and three kids back home yesterday, I arrived to find that Josh had gone to the grocery store to stock up on staples so I wouldn't have to run out and get anything last night, mowed the lawn and watered all the flowers, had candles lit so the house smelled yummy, and had made tequila lime chicken fajitas, spanish rice, and homemade guacamole and queso for us to snack on.

sidenote: Even though this was all very lovely, I have a sneaky suspicion he wants new golf clubs or something - ha ha!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Road trip

Well, we made it. Thursday afternoon we left Atlanta, drove to Knoxville, stopped for dinner and to stay in a hotel, went swimming, and got up the next morning to make our way up to Columbus. The weekend was kind of a blur - lots of family, lots of friends. Saturday morning, just to make it interesting, Quinn fell off the kitchen chair and hurt his leg - not just a little, enough to warrant an urgent care visit and then a subsequent trip to the pediatric hospital for x-rays of his ankle, leg, and foot. Nice. He hasn't taken more than a couple steps since then, which is insane for a normally active 2-year old boy. The x-rays were inconclusive, no obvious signs of a broken bone, but apparently a hairline fracture won't show up this early. So we're in waiting mode.

Our wonderful friends from Cleveland drove down to spend some time with us also. We had nine kids between three couples to keep entertained - but it was great... they had ALMOST as much fun as the adults. :)

And Friday we do it all again. Josh flew to NYC yesterday, so my mom is driving back down to Atlanta with the kids and I (sucker!). Thank God for Gigi's!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The lazy days of summer

I tried my best. The goal was not to over-schedule us this summer. I couldn't wait for long, quiet, lazy days... wishful thinking. Don't get me wrong, it's been a wonderful summer - fun, HOT, but lazy - not so much. In the few weeks since we've been out of school, we've already been on one vacation - Hilton Head - and we leave in two days for trip 2 - to Ohio. Trip 3 is the last weekend in July - Austin, TX, where Conor and Riley are both in Aunt Christy's wedding. And in between, well - fun, but definitely not lazy. Here is a sample. I get up at 5:30 and run. Somewhere after that begins everyone waking up, wanting breakfast, needing reminders to brush teeth, etc. Today we had swim lessons from 8:30-9am, went straight to Target afterwards, then home to pack the cooler, met the Hasslers at the pool at 11am for swimming, lunch, general summer fun. Home at 1:30. Phone rings - playdate for Conor. Quickly change children out of swimsuits and into dry clothes. Drive Conor to his playdate - Riley is now crying, also wants a playdate. Try three friends - no one is home. In moment of desperation, promise to let her do easy bake oven while Quinn naps (desperation!). Put Quinn down from nap, try to unload car filled with wet swimming towels, etc. while Riley is following me around asking "when can we do easy bake oven?", or something along those lines, every few seconds in my ear. We bake sugar cookies. They are terrible but I still have to eat one and tell her they are delicious. Try to work and get things a few things done. Crap, it's 4pm, time to pick up Conor. Must wake Quinn up from nap - he's not happy. Load Quinn and Riley into car, grab Conor, come home. Josh calls - will be late. Of course, simultaneously, a chorus of "I'm hungry" begins in the background. Chips and salsa for everyone. Josh suggests we meet for dinner at 6:30 - well that's one plus, now I don't have to cook. But I have dirty, chlorine-filled children who I now must bathe. Everyone is clean, everyone is downstairs playing. And here I am, 5:44pm, hungry, tired, thinking maybe tomorrow will be somehow lazier... yea right.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wouldn't you know it!!?!

I was so ready for a night out. Josh took the kids to dinner and Kung Fu Panda and I was heading out for Mexican and margaritas with my friend Kellie. About halfway through dinner and my strawberry margarita, I got that hot/cold sweat, clammy, stomach churning, not-so-great feeling... ugh. At first I thought it was just too much sun. We were sitting out on the patio, and we did spend some time at the pool that day. So I decided to go into the restroom and splash some cold water on my face and came back out to sit. No dice. As the minutes went by, I began to feel worse and worse. Wouldn't you know it - I caught the same darn bug that Josh had a few days ago. Fever, achiness, stomach woes, the works. So I had to cut my dinner short and head home. So disappointed!

Then today Josh, of course, has a 7:30 meeting in Buckhead, which in Atlanta-speak, means that he has to leave no later than 6:15am to make it there in time. At about 6:30, I hear Conor get up, open my door, see me laying there (knowing that I am sick from the night before), call for Nesta, take him downstairs and feed him, and then sit and watch cartoons until I come downstairs. Even better, he got Quinn dressed for me after he woke up and played music in his room where they had a little "dance party". So thoughtful! Then Riley made me this get-well card:

"I hope you feel better card" (doesn't every card need a title?)
To mom from Riley.

You love me, I love you a lot.
I love you mom I hope you feel better this week I love you, Riley

I feel better already.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


It's our second week of summer break. We spent the first in Hilton Head - enjoying the beach! The kids loved it, and it was the perfect relaxing get-away. We're already talking about going back next year! Now we're home and back into the swing of things - swim lessons, lots of pool-time, and gearing up for our next trip next Friday to Ohio.