Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A call from the nurse

So yesterday at about 1 pm, I received a call from the school nurse at Conor and Riley's school. She told me Riley had been down to the clinic complaining of a headache and sore throat. All three of them have small colds, so I wasn't that suprised. The nurse told me she sent Riley back to class because she didn't have a fever, but that if I wanted to come pick her up, I could.

I did go to the school and they called her down from her class to the office. She looked so cute with her big backpack on walking down the hall toward me. Her hair was crazy and her bow was crooked, she just looked over-all tired and not her usual peppy self.

I said "Riley, do you not feel well?", and she answered "Mom, I just have a really bad headache and I could feel my heart beeping." Not sure exactly what that meant, but I brought her home and gave her a little tlc, which seemed to be just what the doctor ordered.

Friday, January 25, 2008


It's been a long week. Josh is in Houston until tomorrow, so it's just been me and the kids. Quinn and I have spent much of the week preschool-shopping. Hard to believe, but he'll be ready for a two year old two morning a week class next year. I am sure he will love it, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around him not being home with me full-time. If you ask him if he wants to go to school next year, his one-word response is "bus?"... because he is so used to seeing Conor and Riley off to school on the bus each morning. Not quite yet, Quinn. There aren't enough tissues in the world for me to handle that.

Riley had her daisy scout investiture ceremony last night. She wanted to dress up for it, so we changed her out of her school clothes and into a skirt and tights, even changed her earrings. She must have been feeling good about herself, because she got mad at Conor for not telling her she looked pretty, and then she told him he wasn't allowed to watch the other girls at the ceremony, only her. Luckily, Conor wasn't looking at anyone else, because he was playing his nintendo ds with two other older brothers of daisies the entire time.

Thank God it's Friday!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Some highlights...

Here are some highlights from the past few days:

Thursday was a (no) snow day for the kids. Seriously, they called off school for snow but there was none. It was raining and dipped below freezing for like an hour that morning, so the kids had a free day. Me, not so much.

I attempted to make a delicious stir-fry the other night, which turned out so bad that Josh literally spit it out after he tried it. And he's used to my cooking, so it takes a lot to surprise him. Anyways, it gave us a reason to get Chili's instead.

Conor had a cub scout friend spend the night Friday. The boys were great - lots of guitar hero on the wii and pokemon talk. Josh took Riley out for an hour or so to the mall to get a hot pretzel (they went on a date)... and she came back with two outfits, some new earrings and headbands. When I asked if she had fun, she said "Dad got me everything I ever wanted." Hey, what am I!?! Chopped liver?

Then Saturday night we had neighbors over (with their three kids). The kids played downstairs (more guitar hero, it's an epidemic in this house), and after a few glasses of wine, the adults went down to have a go at the wii.... unfortunately, we decided on Boogie. Anyone familiar? It's like karaoke on the wii. One person sings and the other dances. So scary. So after a few rounds of "Don't Cha (wish your girlfriend was hot like me)" and "You're the One that I want" and the faces of our horrified children, we called it a night.

The rest of the weekend, Josh and I have been spending watching Twin Peaks... think early 90's, "who killed Laura Palmer", with a very young looking Kyle Maclachlan (sp?) and Lara Flynn Boyle. I sort of remember watching it from time to time in high school but Josh apparently loved it, so I got him the box set when it came out in dvd for his birthday. We're now completely obsessed.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

9 years ago...

Today is our anniversary. We've been planning a big getaway for #10 so we were more than happy to just meet for lunch today (Quinn in tow). We went to a restaurant, Sunflower, that we used to go to way-back-when... I think the last time we were there, Conor was an infant. Anyways, we figured with just Quinn, it would almost feel like a date... almost. I even wore a skirt for the occasion.

Unfortunately, Quinn decided to skip 21 mos, 22 mos, 23 mos and went right on ahead to being 2 today. Seriously, I don't know what happened. He wouldn't sit in the high chair - his body was so straight and rigid, it was physically impossible for me to bend his legs to get him in. Then he threw more of the food than he ate, was only interested in opening sugar packets and pouring the sugar out, and it didn't stop there... when we got home, he moved the kitchen chair over near his high chair and climbed up onto it so that he was literally sitting on the tray. Seriously, where did my baby go and who replaced him with this toddler?

The other exciting event going on in our lives is watching these southerners freak out because it is supposed to dip below freezing tonight and (gasp!) there is a chance of rain -which apparently causes a major catastrophe in Atlanta. When I talked to my neighbor today, she was in a hurry to get to the store to buy milk in case of snow. We lived here for over four years and not once did it snow. At least not real snow. Flakes maybe, but you had to rub your eyes really hard and look to see them. Know what I mean? Josh has gotten two work emails telling them to take home their laptops in case of winter weather so they can work from home. Seriously people, it's going to be nearly 50 tomorrow afternoon - what kind of weather event could this be? Good old Flip Spiceland, our meteriologist (I couldn't make that name up now, could I?) is having a hay-day with this "arctic blast" as they like to call it. So funny. It's a downright balmy winter day for a Clevelander.

Monday, January 14, 2008

the latest

So... what's been going on with us. Riley had a "cookie rally" Friday night to kick-off girl scout cookie selling season. Since she's a daisy, they don't sell yet, but she had fun at the party anyway. Conor had baseball camp Saturday and Sunday at the high school. He came home the first day without his jacket and the second day without his glove. He gets that honestly. I can't count the number of times my mom said to me "You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your body." So true. I'm surprised I've never lost a kid (kow).

Quinn is his usual funny self - he's finally starting to talk more, which is unfortunate for Riley because most of the time he is calling for her to come play with him. Thankfully she's a good big sister and a good sport.

Nesta, the world's most annoying dog, has become a frequent runaway. He bolts when I let him out and doesn't come home for hours. Very frustrating. So we opted to go the wireless fence route and installed it this weekend. It's heaven on earth. Who knew one little device could bring me so much stress-relief (since he always did when I was home during the day and I was the one who always had to walk or drive around to find him on his excursions).

Josh and I are celebrating our 9th anniversary on Wednesday. We're meeting for lunch that afternoon (with Quinn), but I figure if you only have one out of three of your children with you, it counts as a date, right!?! We're already looking to next year - we're planning on a week-long vacation. My requirements are that it must be tropical and beachy. At one point Josh suggested Vancouver. I was like "Canada???? In January?". I'm sure it's beautiful but NO WAY. So now we're looking at Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Mexico. Much more my speed.

Nothing else new to report... though the funniest quote of the week came from Conor this morning who asked what I packed him for his school snack. When I told him applesauce (which he usually likes), he begged for a banana. Why, you ask? Well this is what he said "Everytime I open the applesauce container at my desk, some comes flying out and I have to clean it up and then it smells like throw-up for the rest of the day." Why it smells like throw-up I don't know, but I felt for the kid so I gave him a banana instead.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Plan B

I had visions of what today would be like... the kids back off to school, a day to get my house and life back in order, just Quinn and I enjoying a QUIET and pretty day.

Not so much.

I had packed snacks, signed agendas, and the kids were all ready to go to school in full Buckeye gear (of course!), and we were off to the bus stop... until some nice lady rolled down her window as she drove by and said "There's no school today."

What? No school? The forecast is 72 and sunny - obviously not a snow day. Water main break? Gas leak? Why is there no school, I wonder to myself. I pop online to check it out. Well, wouldn't you know it. Today is a teacher workday. How I missed that, I have no idea. So we went with plan B. We got the bikes out of the garage, grabbed the jog stroller, and went to the park.

There's always tomorrow to get life back in order, right?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hiking at Kennesaw Mountain

This morning Josh took Conor and Riley on a hike at Kennesaw Mountain. Apparently they did great (and Riley is a huge fan of beef jerky now!).

Saturday, January 5, 2008


On Friday, Josh took a vacation day and we headed out to Fernbank, which is a very cool science and nature museum. Then we took the kids to one of our old favorite restaurants, The Flying Biscuit, for lunch. Here are some pictures of our fun day! It's back to school on Monday!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A card from Riley

Riley is famous for making cards for people. She loves to draw pictures, write captions for them, and then put them all together in a book. This is one she made for me today:

page 1: The suns happy (picture of a sun smiling)
page 2: Me with my mom bowling (picture of two girls with bows in our hair bowling)
page 3: Dialogue: I mad a cod for you - which is "I made a card for you"
Tays Mom - which is "Thanks mom"
(picture of us talking to each other in what looks like grass and a smiling sun above)
page 4: I love my Mom

When she's a best-selling author/illustrator, I'll make sure to let you know when she's on Oprah. And what was Conor doing this whole time? You guessed it - GUITAR HERO. Maybe when he's a star musician, they can do a double interview. Quinn - well, he's not allowed to turn two, so he doesn't have to worry about getting a job. :)


How do two couples with three kids each ring in the new year? At home - together! When I was younger and cooler, New Year's Eve was an event. I went to Chicago, Times Square in NYC, Miami... always something BIG! Now I'm lucky to make it to midnight and will do just about anything not to have to leave my house.

So this year, our first New Year's Eve back in Atlanta, we invited our friends, The Hasslers, over - three kids and one dog in tow. It was great. The kids played, the babies went to sleep around 8, and the adults played board games, drank beer, and and ate pizza. I even made it to midnight. Then on New Year's Day, Josh and Jason played in a golf tournament, and Shannon and I bundled up all the kids and took them to the park for a while, came back and ate lunch and played board games with the kids, put the babies down for a nap again (see a theme here?) while the kids played more, and we just chatted and hung out... but don't tell our husbands, who took pity on us for being at home with all six kids and then called us to meet them for dinner at the clubhouse.

All in all, 2008 looks like it's off to a great start!